
Test Your English

ინგლისური ენის ტესტი

ქვემოთ მოცემული ტესტი დაგეხმარებათ ინგლისური ენის ცოდნის დონის შემოწმებაში. პასუხის მისაღებად საჭიროა ყველა კითხვაზე პასუხის გაცემა. ტესტი შედგენილია BBC ცენტრის დამფუძნებლის ნათია თანანაშვილის მიერ. გისურვებთ წარმატებებს!

ტესტის შედეგების განმარტებები:

1. ____ English?

Correct! Wrong!

2. No, I ____.

Correct! Wrong!

3. ____ the students.

Correct! Wrong!

4. ____ old are you?

Correct! Wrong!

5. I haven’t got ____ cigarettes.

Correct! Wrong!

6. I am listening ____ my teacher.

Correct! Wrong!

7. I ____ television now.

Correct! Wrong!

8. ____ you want a drink?

Correct! Wrong!

9. They ____ to this school everyday.

Correct! Wrong!

10. She dresses very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

11. John is the ____ in the class.

Correct! Wrong!

12. You ____ see him tonight.

Correct! Wrong!

13. I ____ do my homework.

Correct! Wrong!

14. You must pay ____ you begin.

Correct! Wrong!

15. My teacher is the ____

Correct! Wrong!

16. The windows ____ by the boy.

Correct! Wrong!

17. I asked him if he ____ a good day.

Correct! Wrong!

18. ____ he has finished his work he can go home.

Correct! Wrong!

19. He ____ us that he had been to Paris.

Correct! Wrong!

20. He asked her whether ____ London.

Correct! Wrong!

21. Do you know if the train ____?

Correct! Wrong!

22. The garage ____.

Correct! Wrong!

23. He has had to ____.

Correct! Wrong!

24. The station is too far away ____ to.

Correct! Wrong!

25. I’d like ____ English.

Correct! Wrong!

26. If you ____ the box, you will find a present.

Correct! Wrong!

27. If you were to drop it, it ____.

Correct! Wrong!

28. Didn’t you ____ play tennis?

Correct! Wrong!

29. My sister enjoyed ____ the dinner.

Correct! Wrong!

30. I was walking along the road when the car ____.

Correct! Wrong!

31. Tomorrow you ____ leaving England.

Correct! Wrong!

32. By five o’clock he ____ Manchester.

Correct! Wrong!

33. These machines ____.

Correct! Wrong!

34. If all goes well, I ____ home before six o’clock.

Correct! Wrong!

35. If it had been sunny, I ____ gone out.

Correct! Wrong!

36. Do you know what ____ to do?

Correct! Wrong!

37. Don’t forget ____ me a newspaper, John.

Correct! Wrong!

38. Whenever there was a visitor, the dog ____ to the door.

Correct! Wrong!

39. He is an engineer in ____

Correct! Wrong!

40. Although my brother ____ in the team, we still lost.

Correct! Wrong!

41. I was very ____ in the story.

Correct! Wrong!

42. He advised me ____ the doctor.

Correct! Wrong!

43. I ____ travelling by tube.

Correct! Wrong!

44. He didn’t come last night. I wish that he ____.

Correct! Wrong!

45. I am going to a wedding. I need to ____.

Correct! Wrong!

46. Which would you ____ have, gold or silver?

Correct! Wrong!

47. My brother has been in hospital. I wonder how he ____.

Correct! Wrong!

48. The man said he did not ____ to walk.

Correct! Wrong!

49. Although he confessed to the crime, the judge let the boy ____.

Correct! Wrong!

50. The student could not answer the question, so he ____.

Correct! Wrong!

English Test
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